Friday, July 26, 2013

Home Away From Home

Well, if this makes any sense, I feel like I’m in a home away from home away from home!  I already felt as if I was missing my “hOmaha”, but now I’m stuck in the hospital for the next possible 6 weeks until I deliver, making me miss our actual home!  I really don’t know how to describe what I’m feeling, as I’m sitting on my hospital bed.  I have a small sense of comfort for the fact that I’m surrounded by people who are keeping an eye on me and Josiah, but there’s nothing “homey” about a hospital room, hospital food, nurses and doctors who come in to check on you every couple of hours (if not more), etc.!  For those of you who have been in the hospital long term, I’m sure you get it!  AND…this is only day 4!

I must say that I am SO blessed to have the BEST husband ever!  He has been such a trooper!  He sleeps in my room with me every night and he hasn’t been home since Tuesday, himself!  Even though he has tough 12 hour days, he is still getting me what I need in the middle of the night, he gets interrupted sleep when people come into our room, and he does it with such grace and compassion!  I find myself crying when he comes “home” and he simply holds me in his arms and tells me things will be ok.  He’s taking on a job that’s tough and doing it with skill, while being the stable ground for me.  Seriously…what a guy!

I feel as though there’s nothing major to report on the baby front.  Little Josiah is active as ever, just in a slightly more squished space.  They did an ultrasound the other day and I couldn’t believe the difference from 3 weeks before!  The amniotic fluid makes things seem so much more comfy for the little guy and now he barely has any!  It makes me feel so sad for my little squishy, even though the doctors say that he’s fine.  I haven’t been having any contractions and I’m not hooked up to any machines anymore.  They monitor his heart beat and my possible contractions for 30 minutes to an hour each morning and then I’m free for the day. I’ve always been pretty nervous about needles and all things medical, so it was a huge relief to get that IV out of my hand yesterday!  They take my temperature and blood pressure every 3-4 hours to make sure I’m not getting any infections. 

I am humbled by the amount of support we’ve received.  Michael and I have felt so loved by so many over the past few days.  Even though most of you are far away, the messages and notes of encouragement have been wonderful.  Someone wrote to me, “Know that so many prayers are going up on your behalf that I have no doubt you will feel God’s presence during this hard time in ways you never have before.”  That is so undoubtedly true!  There are many things that Michael and I are trying to figure out about our new situation and it seems as though God is working these logistics out for us.  Michael’s new coworkers and our new friends have been nothing but supportive and helpful during this time.  They are constantly asking how they can help.  Thank you for all of the support during this time! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carrie,
    Your Grandmother gave me this site as I am not a Facebook person, so I was glad to see your updates and know how you are doing. I admire what you are doing and have much respect for how you are handling all of this.
    Just please keep up the faith and know that there are many, many people at your side...even though we do not often correspond (as I SHOULD!). Galina and I wish you the best and I know will be a stronger person through all of this! :-) Uncle Richard and Aunt Galina
